What Is A Private Key Used For?
Blockchain networks are kept secure through encryption. Simply put, encryption allows users to encode information in a way that only authorized parties can access it. Decryption is the method that…

What is a Whitepaper?
When I first heard the term, my mind went about as blank as the term suggests. As a good crypto student, I did a quick Google search on "what is…

Can Proof of Work Survive?
It might be a good idea to review the consensus mechanisms being used in the cryptocurrency ecosystem by clicking here if you are unsure what the difference between Proof of…

Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake
A consensus algorithm is the way a blockchain network reaches an agreement that the block being produced is correct. Although there are a variety of consensus algorithms (and more are…

What Is A Hard Fork?
Everyone is talking about hard forks. There's been so many Bitcoin forks I've lost count. But what is a hard fork exactly and why do you end up with double…

What Is A Crypto Wallet?
What is blockchain and how is it being used to change the way we live and work? Find out on our blockchain blog page after you're done understanding what a…

Can Bitcoin Be Hacked?
It’s a pretty common news story nowadays - a cryptocurrency exchange gets hacked and the hackers make away with millions of dollars in Bitcoin. But how is Bitcoin hacked exactly?…

Bitcoin Mining Explained For Beginners
If you’ve heard of Bitcoin you’ve probably heard the expression "Bitcoin Mining" also. This phrase tends to confuse newcomers to the cryptocurrency world. When I first started learning about Bitcoin…

Blockchain Explained For Beginners
Blockchain Explained - Why The Hype? Chances are that you've been hearing all about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies lately. In 2017 alone the value of Bitcoin increased more than fifteen times.…